Zelus Domus Domini

Dear Friends,
On the tombstone of Fr. Joseph Salzmann, the founder of Saint Francis de Sales Seminary, are the words, Zelus Domus Domini. "Zeal for the Lord's House." I am inspired by the courage, faith, and zeal of Fr. Salzmann and the generosity of countless faithful Catholics who boldly established Saint Francis de Sales Seminary to ensure that the Catholic faith would be handed on to future generations.
Today, I remain humbled to witness the Lord's work in renewing and revitalizing Saint Francis de Sales Seminary. Twelve years ago, when I became vocation director for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, 26 men from two dioceses called the Salesianum home. Currently, Saint Francis de Sales forms 90 men from 11 dioceses, with 71 of them living in Henni Hall, a building last renovated in the 1980s - nearly 40 years ago!
The growth here is remarkable, but we have never been focused on the numbers. It is the culture of Saint Francis de Sales Seminary that allows our Lord to form a man. Prayer is our priority. Fraternity and community encourage virtue and manliness. Our seminarians are talented, joyful, and well-rounded leaders - men who will make selfless fathers. I am most amazed by their faith. Their devotion. Their love for God. Their daily courage and zeal.
On this website, you can read about the Zeal for the Lord's House Campaign. This exciting initiative will ensure the next 100 years of priestly formation in Wisconsin by addressing critical structural needs and by enhancing our campus to accommodate our significant growth.
The community of Saint Francis de Sales, moved by the goodness of the Lord, and consumed by zeal for His house, humbly invites you to join us in this campaign of Christian service. May your sacrifice and courageous self-gift be a pleasing offering to the Lord.
Thank you for your generosity, your faith, and your zeal. May the Lord who has begun this good work in you, bring it to fulfillment!
Sincerely in Christ,
Very Reverend Luke N. Strand