President Most Reverend Jeffrey S. Grob Archbishop of Milwaukee
Chair/Vice President Most Reverend James T. Schuerman Auxiliary Bishop of Milwaukee
Executive Vice President Very Reverend Luke N. Strand Rector
Treasurer Mr. Jeffrey Dereszynski Collins State Bank
Secretary Mrs. Mia Giampietro First Weber Realtors
Most Reverend Gerard W. Battersby Bishop of La Crosse
Most Reverend Thomas A. Daly Bishop of Spokane
Most Reverend Timothy L. Doherty Bishop of Lafayette-in-Indiana
Most Reverend Daniel J. Felton Bishop of Duluth
Most Reverend Donald J. Hying Bishop of Madison
Most Reverend David J. Malloy Bishop of Rockford
Most Reverend Robert J. McClory Bishop of Gary
Most Reverend James P. Powers Bishop of Superior
Most Reverend David L. Ricken Bishop of Green Bay
Most Reverend Edward B. Scharfenberger Bishop of Albany
Very Reverend Thomas Cassidy, SCJ Sacred Heart Seminary and School of Theology
Judge Paul Dedinsky Milwaukee Circuit Court
Very Reverend John Girotti Vicar General Diocese of Green Bay
Atty. Michael Gratz Boyle Fredrickson SC
Very Reverend Timothy Kitzke Vicar for Urban Ministry Archdiocese of Milwaukee
Mrs. Julie Lenahan Community Volunteer
Atty. Frank LoCoco Husch Blackwell
Mrs. Mary Magnor Community Volunteer
Mr. Owen McCormick Deloitte
Very Reverend Vien Nguyen, SCJ Provincial Priests of the Sacred Heart
Very Reverend Nathan Reesman Vicar for Clergy Archdiocese of Milwaukee
Deacon Henry Reyes St. Anthony & St. Hyacinth Parishes
Sr. Joanne Schatzlein, OSF Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi
Mr. Kevin Steiner West Bend Mutual
Mrs. Maureen Stern Community Volunteer
Any donation to the Seminary is greatly appreciated, and there are many options for giving.
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