Zeal for the Lord's House


Frequently Asked Questions

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  What is the Zeal for the Lord's House Inaugural Capital Campaign?

The Zeal for the Lord's House Campaign is the Seminary's first capital campaign in 179 years. Its goal is to raise funds to restore the Seminary's historic buildings and to expand them to accommodate the Seminary's significant growth.

  Why is the Seminary embarking on this campaign now?

The Seminary is at a critical juncture in its history. The number of seminarians has grown dramatically over the past 10 years while its facilities have remained untouched for decades. A Master Plan team was convened to evaluate the 19th century campus, and it surfaced essential areas that need immediate attention: 

  • Structural and mechanical overhaul of systems
  • Expansion to accommodate growth
  • Renovation of the Chapel and Grand Staircase
  How will the campaign funds be allocated?

Needs will be prioritized based on their critical nature in line with the mission of the Seminary.

  Who will be asked to participate?

Catholics from all of the sending dioceses will be invited to pariticpate in the campaign. All of the Wisconsin bishops have pledged their own support and the support of their dioceses.

  How are pledge payments made?

Donors may choose to fulfill their campaign pledge with monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual payments by check, credit card, automatic bank withdrawal, or qualified IRA distributions (age 70.5 or above). All checks should be made payable to The Salesianum Trust. Gift acknowledgments and tax letters will be provided.

  Are gifts to the campaign tax-deductible?

Gifts to the Zeal for the Lord's House Campaign are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please consult your tax advisor regarding your specific situation.

  Are gifts of stock or other non-cash gifts accepted?

Yes. The campaign accepts gifts of stock and some non-cash gifts. Please contact the Campaign Office at (414)747-6400 x 6435 for more information.

  Will the Seminary continue its Annual Appeal and Annual Seminary Dinner during the campaign?

Yes. The Annual Appeal and Annual Seminary Dinner provide for the operational needs of the Seminary on a year-to-year basis. The Zeal for the Lord's House Campaign is to meet extraordinary needs for the future of priestly formation.

  Why encourage pledges?

Pledging is a way to allow individuals and families to give generously over time and eliminate what might be a burden to give all at once.

  Why are donors asked to complete and sign a pledge form? Is it legally binding?

A pledge to the campaign is a promise to do one's best to give as stated on the pledge card. A signed pledge form is not legally binding and should the donor's finances change, a pledge can be adjusted accordingly.

  How will campaign funds be administered?

The Salesianum Trust has been established for the sole purpose of receiving and disbursing funds raised through the Zeal for the Lord's House Campaign for the uses and purposes set forth in the campaign and no other purposes.

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