Seminary Golf Outing

Golf Outing

Swing for Your Seminarians!

Please join us to raise critically needs funds for priestly formation! This event is a fabulous way to support our seminarians while enjoying a round of golf at the magnificent Wisconsin Country Club. Non-golfers are invited to join us for the cocktails and dinner reception. Our new dinner offering includes an elegant buffet with endless refills! Register now because the golf sells out quickly!

Monday, June 23, 2025
Wisconsin Country Club
6200 West Good Hope Road | Milwaukee

10:30 a.m. Registration
11:00 a.m. Lunch
12:30 p.m. Shotgun start
5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Cocktails and dinner reception

Event Chairs: Mike and Fifi Stevens




Lunch, golf, cocktails and dinner reception | $350 per person

Cocktails and dinner reception | $125 per person

Sponsorship Opportunities

Golf Sponsor | $10,000
Includes lunch, golf, cocktails and dinner reception for eight, plus a full-page program ad

Reception Sponsor | $5,000
Includes lunch, golf, cocktails and dinner reception for four, plus a full-page program ad

Lunch Sponsor | $2,500
Includes lunch, golf, cocktails and dinner reception for two, plus a half-page program ad

Program Sponsor | $1,000
Includes cocktails for two and an acknowledgment in the program

Hole Sponsor | $400
Includes golf tee sign and an acknowledgment in the program

Seminarian Sponsor | $125
Includes and acknowledgment in the program

Purchase a Program Ad
Full-page (4.5" x 7.5") color ad | $400 
Half-page (4.5" x 3.75") color ad | $250

Contact Lisa Brielmaier at 414-747-6463 for more details.


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Many Ways to Give

Any donation to the Seminary is greatly appreciated, and there are many options for giving.

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